Sunday, August 23, 2009

2nd Hair Cut

B desparately needed a 2nd hair cut so we took him for a mini makeover. He went from being a baby boy to a big boy. I was so tired of his long baby hair, I told the lady to cut it off. But my baby is now a boy. I love the new hair cut and it fits his personality perfect.

Caught in action climbing underneath the kitchen table. He was also dancing while Deigo was on TV. Too cute.

Our first family self portrait.

This past weekend one of Anthony's sister, Lauren, from New York & her boyfriend came down to visit. It was a short but great visit. We took B to the Ft Worth Zoo for the first time and he seemed to love it. Here are a few pics from the zoo. I had to put the two turtles doing it on here cause I thought it was the funniest thing ever. We had a good time with her here and we were sad they had to go so soon .

We went to our friend Brooks' 2nd birthday party a couple of weekends ago & it was a pool party so B found his way to the fun/play pool. He was playing with his buddy Anderson most of the time. We had a great time with everybody there. Happy Birthday Brooks


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

All the cousins together. Payton, Kash, Legacee and Braylon.

We had fajitas the other night & Braylon wanted to feed momma the rest of the tortillas. I was laughing so hard cause he was stuffing them in my mouth. Classic moment.

Posing with his Daddy.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Play time before bath time.

Honk your Butt

B loves climbing into his car, but he likes to sit in it backwards. While he sits in the car backward he hops up and down so that his butt is honking the horn. When you tell him to honk the horn he jumps up and down using his butt. It is the funniest thing. God love him.